New album ‘Re-Covered’ and a PledgeMusic campaign!
Friends – I’m so happy to announce that my new album will soon be finished and ready to release. It’s called Re-Covered. I’ve launched a PledgeMusic campaign where you can pre-order the record along with lots of cool exclusives. I hope you’ll check it out!
Re-Covered is an album of of songs I wrote with and for other artists. These are my versions, most of them…
Dan and Matt Wilson albums for the ACLU
Semisonic ‘Great Divide’ Anniversary Shows Rescheduled
Tape Op Magazine Feature
Very generous profile of my musical life in the new Tape Op Magazine by jazz/pop pianist/songwriter Jon Regen. I am a LONGTIME fan of Tape Op Magazine so this is a bit of a dreamy moment for me. Read it here:
Phantogram – ‘Three’
The new Phantogram album, Three, is out now and I had the pleasure of co-writing all but one of these tunes with Josh and Sarah from the band and Ricky Reed. I also co-produced…
Dan Wilson For The Talkhouse: Favorite Lyrics of 2016 So Far
The Talkhouse asked me recently to write a piece about my favorite lyrics of 2016 so far. I chose the song “Wristband” by Paul Simon, from his latest album, Stranger to Stranger. I love the way…
Words & Music by Dan Wilson at McCabe’s in Santa Monica on November 11th
Tickets on sale now
Friday, November 11, 2016
McCabe’s Guitar Shop
3101 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
The Head and The Heart – “Turn It Around”
I was very excited to have the chance to work on “Turn It Around” with The Head and The Heart. What an awesome band! The song I co-wrote is out today along with the rest of their new album, Signs of Light.
Phantogram – “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore”
Pleased to let you guys know that Phantogram’s single, “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore,” which I co-wrote and co-produced, is now out. Their new album…