The next installation of my “Songs From the Ballroom” series is a demo of a song called “Patience.” I recorded it during a solitary six-week period over New Years 2010 in Minneapolis. During that time, I sequestered myself in my third-floor recording space – “the ballroom” – and did nothing but write songs and make super-simple demos of them. In 2009, I had been doing a lot of co-writing and producing for other people’s records, and by the end of the year I found myself with a growing urge to write a lot of songs, alone. I told my family that I was going to disappear upstairs for a while, and write a song a day during December and January. In the end, the pace was more like a song every two days, but it felt good and I also ended up making simple demos of other songs I’d written during the year.
One of these is “Patience.” That’s me on acoustic guitar, pump organ, and bells, all alone, doing my thing. Every time I hear this demo I’m reminded of the solitude and the silence of those wintery weeks in the ballroom. Anyone can receive this track for free for the next couple of weeks by joining my emailing list (Please see link at lower left to sign up) I hope you enjoy it.